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< 1R7005 1R7011 >
 4.2 Jaguar E-Type 
 Open Two Seater 
 Left Hand Drive 
 1969 Regency Red
 2005 Black
 Work In Progress 
 Original menasha
United StatesUnited States


Record Creation: Entered on 20 March 2005.



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2005-03-20 08:07:37 | Lofty writes:

I found this car in a shed were it had been sitting for over 20 years.
I just purchased it and have not yet picked it up.
It is currently in pieces with the body in one place, the exhaust in another place, the block out and on the floor, the cylinder head in a fourth pile and the carbs in a fifth pile. It has floor board rust and the top and interior are shot but almost all the parts seem to be there. I expect to spend the next couple years restoring it.

2005-03-20 23:21:58 | pauls writes:

Excellent! Keep us posted on the progress. Any pictures?

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